Dienstag, 27. November 2012
Veda - The Blueprint of Creation
Bṛhadāraṇyaka-Upaniṣad 2.4.10
स यथार्द्रैधाग्नेरभ्याहितस्य अभ्याहितात् पृथग्धूमा विनिश्चरन्त्येवं वा अरेऽस्य महतो भूतस्य निःश्वसितमेतद्यदृग्वेदो यजुर्वेदः सामवेदोऽथर्वाङ्गिरस इतिहासः पुराणं विद्या उपनिषदः श्लोकाः सूत्राण्यनुव्याख्यानानि व्याख्याननि। अस्यैवैतानि सर्वाणि निश्वसितानि॥
sa yathārdraidhāgner abhyāhitāt pṛthag dhūmā viniścaranty evaṁ vā are 'sya mahato bhūtasya niḥśvasitam etad yad ṛgvedo yajurvedaḥ sāmavedo 'tharvāṅgirasa itihāsaḥ purāṇaṃ vidyā upaniṣadaḥ ślokāḥ sūtrāṇy anuvyākhyānāni vyākhyānani | asyaivaitāni niśvasitāni ||
As from a fire laid with wet fuel clouds of smoke issue forth, even so, my dear, is the breath of this great Being. The Ṛgveda, the Yajurveda, the Sāmaveda, Atharvāṅgirasa, Itihāsa, Purāna, sciences, Upaniṣads, ślokas, sūtras, explanations and commentaries - all these are the breath of it (that great Being).
Manusmṛti 12.97
चातुर्वर्ण्यं त्रयो लोकाश्चत्वारश्चाश्रमाः पृथक् ।
भूतं भव्यं भविष्यं च सर्वं वेदात् प्रसिध्यति ॥९७॥
cāturvarṇyaṁ trayo lokāś catvāraś cāśramāḥ pṛthak |
bhūtaṁ bhavyaṁ bhaviṣyaṁ ca sarvaṁ vedāt prasidhyati ||97||
The four castes, the three worlds, the four orders, the past, the present and the future, everything is produced from Veda.
Vākyapadīya of Bhartṛhari 1.120
शब्दस्य परिणामोयमित्यम्नयविदो विदुः।
छन्दोभ्य एव प्रथममेतद्विश्वं व्यवर्तत॥१२०॥
śabdasya pariṇāmo 'yam ity āmnāya-vido viduḥ |
chandobhya eva prathamam etad viśvaṁ vyavartata ||120||
Those who are versed in the Vedas know that the universe is the transformation of speech. It was out of the Vedas that this universe was first evolved.
Saṅgītaratnākara of Shārṅgadeva 1.2.14
ब्रह्म ब्रह्माणमसृजत्तस्मै वेदान्प्रदाय च ।
भौतिकं वेदशब्देभ्यः सर्जयामास तेन तत् ॥१४॥
brahma brahmāṇam asṛjat tasmai vedān pradāya ca |
bhautikaṁ veda-śabdebhyaḥ sarjayām āsa tena tat ||14||
Brahman created Brahmā and having handed over the Vedas to him, it caused him to create the physical world from the words of the Vedas.
Ṛgveda-Bhāṣya of Sāyana (verse 2)
यस्य निश्वसितं वेदा यो वेदेभ्योऽखिलं जगत् ।
निर्ममे तमहं वन्दे विद्यातीर्थमहेश्वरम् ॥
yasya niśvasitaṁ vedā yo vedebhyo 'khilaṁ jagat |
nirmame tam ahaṁ vande vidyā-tīrtha-maheśvaram ||
I bow down to Him who breathes out the Vedas and [creates] the whole universe from them, remaining uninvolved, and who is the cherished shrine of pilgrimage for all streams of knowledge.
Sonntag, 25. November 2012
Freitag, 16. November 2012
A Golden Age of 10000 Years?
One reads in the Internet:
"In the Brahma-Vaivarta Purana, Lord Krishna tells Ganga Devi that a Golden Age will come in the Kali Yuga...Lord Krishna predicted that this Golden Age will start 5,000 years after the beginning of the Kali Yuga, and will last for 10,000 years."
This red marked sentence is not correct. The period of 10000 years mentioned in the Brahmavaivarta Purana started with the beginning of Kaliyuga (3102 B.C.) and will end in about 5000 years.
Brahmavaivarta Purāṇa 2.7:
Devanagari: http://is1.mum.edu/vedicreserve//puranas/brahmavaivartapurana03.pdf (page 19)
10. Having stayed in Kali for 5000 years on Bhārata, they abandoned the form of the river and went to the abode of Shrī Hari.
11. All the Tīrthas except Kāshī and Vṛindāvana will go together with them to Vaikuntha by the command of Hari.
12. At the end of 10.000 years of Kali Shālagrāma, the Mūrti of Hari, and the protector of the world left Bhārata and went to the abode of Hari.
13. The Vaishṇavas, the Purāṇas, the conches, the Shrāddha-tarpana, the actions prescribed by the Devas went together with them.
14. The Hari-pūjā, the name of Hari, the praise of the multitude of his glories, the Vedāngas, and the Shāstras went together with them.
15. Santa, Satya (truth), Dharma, the Vedas, and the village-Devatās, Vrata (vow), and fasting related to Tapas went with them also.
Brahmavaivarta Purāṇa 2.10:
Devanagari: http://is1.mum.edu/vedicreserve//puranas/brahmavaivartapurana03.pdf (page 42)
60. Gangā spoke: Lord!, if I go to Bhārata due the previous curse of Bhāratī (Sarasvatī) and now by your command and the Tapas of Rājendra (“Chief of kings”, Bhāgarathi),
61. How will the sins, which the sinners will give to me, be destroyed? Lord!, speak about that means.
62. Lord of All!, how long will I stay there on Bhārata and when will I go to the supreme abode of Vishṇu?
Shrī Kṛishṇa said:
...67. Lord of the Devas!, from now on you will stay for 5000 years of Kali on the earth in Bhārata due to the curse of Bhāratī (Sarasvatī).
...72. The sin of thousand sinners, which you receive from bathing, will be destroyed by the sight of my devotees.
73. What sin you receive through the touch of dead bodies of thousands of sinners, that will be destroyed from the bathing of those who worship me with my mantra.
Brahmavaivarta Purāṇa 4.34:
38. If an impure men reaches the Gangā and bathes with close connection, he is released from all sins, if he is not polluted again.
39. Her stay on Bhārata is for 5000 years in Kali. When she is present, Ah!, what is the strength of Kali? For 10.000 years in Kali my idols and the Purāṇas stay (on Bhārata), what strength of Kali is there?
Brahmavaivarta Purāṇa 4.90:
32. Shrī Kṛishṇa said:
For 10.000 years in Kali Hari stays on earth. The idol of the Devas is to be worshipped, the Shāstras and the Purāṇas.
33. For half of that time (5000 years), well fixed, the Tīrthas and Gangā etc. For (another) half of that time the village-Devas and the Vedas of the seers (stay on earth).
34. At the end of that time in Kali, Father!, unrighteousness is complete and the four castes will become one caste only.
Brahmavaivarta Purāṇa 4.128:
कलेर्दशसहस्राणि मदर्चा भुवि तिष्ठति ।
तदर्धानि च वर्षाणि गङ्गा भुवनपावनी ॥
kaler daśasahasrāṇi mad-arcā bhuvi tiṣṭhati |
tad-ardhāni ca varṣāṇi gaṅgā bhuvana-pāvanī ||28||
28. For 10.000 years of Kali my worship stays on earth. Half of the years of that time Gangā is purifying the earth.
Brahmavaivarta Purāṇa 4.129:
46-47. Gangā, Sarasvatī, Padmavatī and Yamunā, Godarī, Svarṇa-rekhā, Kāverī, Narmadā, O Muni, Sharāvatī, Bāhudā, Kṛitamālā, and Puṇyadā, they all went together to the highest Lord and bowed down.
48. The Devī Jāhnavī (Gangā) weeping, very sad with tears in her eyes, despairing with the grief of seperation, spoke to the highest Lord.
49. Bhāgarathī said: O Lord, O most excellent delighting one, you are going to the highest Goloka. What will happen to us in Kaliyuga?
कलेः पञ्चसहस्राणि वर्षाणि तिष्ठ भूतले ।
पापानि पापिनो यानि तुभ्यं दास्यन्ति स्नानत ।। ५० ।।
kaleḥ pañcasahasrāṇi varṣāṇi tiṣṭha bhūtale |
pāpāni pāpino yāni tubhyaṁ dāsyanti snānata || 50 ||
मन्मन्त्रोपासकस्पर्शाद्भस्मीभूतानि तत्क्षणात् ।
भविष्यन्ति दर्शनाच्च स्नानादेव हि जाह्नवि ।। ५१ ।।
manmantropāsakasparśād bhasmībhūtāni tatkṣaṇāt |
bhaviṣyanti darśanācca snānādeva hi jāhnavi || 51 ||
50-51. Shrī Bhagavān said: Stay on earth for 5000 years of Kali. The sins, O Jāhnavī, which the sinners will deposit into you by bathing, will immediately be destroyed by the touch, sight and the bathing of those who worship me with my mantra.
52. Having gone to the place, where the names of Hari and the Purāṇas are, there you will listen attentively together with them ( Sarasvatī etc.).
53. By listening to the Purāṇas and by praising the names of Hari the sins arising from slaying a Brāhmaṇa etc. become destroyed.
54-55a. Also these sins become destroyed by the embracement of a Vaishṇava. As fire burns gras and dry wood, so the Vaishṇavas burn the sins of the sinners in the world.
55b-56a. The Tīrthas and the virtues which are on the earth, they are always in the purified bodies of my devotees.
56b-57a. By the dust of the feets of my devotees the earth becomes pure immediately.
Immediately the Tīrthas become pure and at once the world becomes pure.
57b-58. Those dear ones, who worship me with my mantra and eat what is left by me, and who always meditate on me, they are dearer to me than my life. By the touch of them wind and fire becomes pure.
59. For 10.000 years of Kali my worshippers are on earth. And when my worshippers have left they will have one caste only.
60-61. The earth void of my devotees will become seized by Kali. At this moment a four-armed being (Purusha) issued forth from the body of Kṛishṇa, shining like hundred moons, holding conch, Cakra, club and a lotus, being marked with the Shrī-vatsa.
62-63a. Having ascended a beautiful chariot he went to the ocean of milk. The daughter of the ocean spontanously became personified. The beautiful Lakshmī in bodily form was borne by the mind of Shrī Kṛishṇa.
"In the Brahma-Vaivarta Purana, Lord Krishna tells Ganga Devi that a Golden Age will come in the Kali Yuga...Lord Krishna predicted that this Golden Age will start 5,000 years after the beginning of the Kali Yuga, and will last for 10,000 years."
This red marked sentence is not correct. The period of 10000 years mentioned in the Brahmavaivarta Purana started with the beginning of Kaliyuga (3102 B.C.) and will end in about 5000 years.
Brahmavaivarta Purāṇa 2.7:
Devanagari: http://is1.mum.edu/vedicreserve//puranas/brahmavaivartapurana03.pdf (page 19)
10. Having stayed in Kali for 5000 years on Bhārata, they abandoned the form of the river and went to the abode of Shrī Hari.
11. All the Tīrthas except Kāshī and Vṛindāvana will go together with them to Vaikuntha by the command of Hari.
12. At the end of 10.000 years of Kali Shālagrāma, the Mūrti of Hari, and the protector of the world left Bhārata and went to the abode of Hari.
13. The Vaishṇavas, the Purāṇas, the conches, the Shrāddha-tarpana, the actions prescribed by the Devas went together with them.
14. The Hari-pūjā, the name of Hari, the praise of the multitude of his glories, the Vedāngas, and the Shāstras went together with them.
15. Santa, Satya (truth), Dharma, the Vedas, and the village-Devatās, Vrata (vow), and fasting related to Tapas went with them also.
Brahmavaivarta Purāṇa 2.10:
Devanagari: http://is1.mum.edu/vedicreserve//puranas/brahmavaivartapurana03.pdf (page 42)
60. Gangā spoke: Lord!, if I go to Bhārata due the previous curse of Bhāratī (Sarasvatī) and now by your command and the Tapas of Rājendra (“Chief of kings”, Bhāgarathi),
61. How will the sins, which the sinners will give to me, be destroyed? Lord!, speak about that means.
62. Lord of All!, how long will I stay there on Bhārata and when will I go to the supreme abode of Vishṇu?
Shrī Kṛishṇa said:
...67. Lord of the Devas!, from now on you will stay for 5000 years of Kali on the earth in Bhārata due to the curse of Bhāratī (Sarasvatī).
...72. The sin of thousand sinners, which you receive from bathing, will be destroyed by the sight of my devotees.
73. What sin you receive through the touch of dead bodies of thousands of sinners, that will be destroyed from the bathing of those who worship me with my mantra.
Brahmavaivarta Purāṇa 4.34:
38. If an impure men reaches the Gangā and bathes with close connection, he is released from all sins, if he is not polluted again.
39. Her stay on Bhārata is for 5000 years in Kali. When she is present, Ah!, what is the strength of Kali? For 10.000 years in Kali my idols and the Purāṇas stay (on Bhārata), what strength of Kali is there?
Brahmavaivarta Purāṇa 4.90:
32. Shrī Kṛishṇa said:
For 10.000 years in Kali Hari stays on earth. The idol of the Devas is to be worshipped, the Shāstras and the Purāṇas.
33. For half of that time (5000 years), well fixed, the Tīrthas and Gangā etc. For (another) half of that time the village-Devas and the Vedas of the seers (stay on earth).
34. At the end of that time in Kali, Father!, unrighteousness is complete and the four castes will become one caste only.
Brahmavaivarta Purāṇa 4.128:
कलेर्दशसहस्राणि मदर्चा भुवि तिष्ठति ।
तदर्धानि च वर्षाणि गङ्गा भुवनपावनी ॥
kaler daśasahasrāṇi mad-arcā bhuvi tiṣṭhati |
tad-ardhāni ca varṣāṇi gaṅgā bhuvana-pāvanī ||28||
28. For 10.000 years of Kali my worship stays on earth. Half of the years of that time Gangā is purifying the earth.
Brahmavaivarta Purāṇa 4.129:
46-47. Gangā, Sarasvatī, Padmavatī and Yamunā, Godarī, Svarṇa-rekhā, Kāverī, Narmadā, O Muni, Sharāvatī, Bāhudā, Kṛitamālā, and Puṇyadā, they all went together to the highest Lord and bowed down.
48. The Devī Jāhnavī (Gangā) weeping, very sad with tears in her eyes, despairing with the grief of seperation, spoke to the highest Lord.
49. Bhāgarathī said: O Lord, O most excellent delighting one, you are going to the highest Goloka. What will happen to us in Kaliyuga?
कलेः पञ्चसहस्राणि वर्षाणि तिष्ठ भूतले ।
पापानि पापिनो यानि तुभ्यं दास्यन्ति स्नानत ।। ५० ।।
kaleḥ pañcasahasrāṇi varṣāṇi tiṣṭha bhūtale |
pāpāni pāpino yāni tubhyaṁ dāsyanti snānata || 50 ||
मन्मन्त्रोपासकस्पर्शाद्भस्मीभूतानि तत्क्षणात् ।
भविष्यन्ति दर्शनाच्च स्नानादेव हि जाह्नवि ।। ५१ ।।
manmantropāsakasparśād bhasmībhūtāni tatkṣaṇāt |
bhaviṣyanti darśanācca snānādeva hi jāhnavi || 51 ||
50-51. Shrī Bhagavān said: Stay on earth for 5000 years of Kali. The sins, O Jāhnavī, which the sinners will deposit into you by bathing, will immediately be destroyed by the touch, sight and the bathing of those who worship me with my mantra.
52. Having gone to the place, where the names of Hari and the Purāṇas are, there you will listen attentively together with them ( Sarasvatī etc.).
53. By listening to the Purāṇas and by praising the names of Hari the sins arising from slaying a Brāhmaṇa etc. become destroyed.
54-55a. Also these sins become destroyed by the embracement of a Vaishṇava. As fire burns gras and dry wood, so the Vaishṇavas burn the sins of the sinners in the world.
55b-56a. The Tīrthas and the virtues which are on the earth, they are always in the purified bodies of my devotees.
56b-57a. By the dust of the feets of my devotees the earth becomes pure immediately.
Immediately the Tīrthas become pure and at once the world becomes pure.
57b-58. Those dear ones, who worship me with my mantra and eat what is left by me, and who always meditate on me, they are dearer to me than my life. By the touch of them wind and fire becomes pure.
59. For 10.000 years of Kali my worshippers are on earth. And when my worshippers have left they will have one caste only.
60-61. The earth void of my devotees will become seized by Kali. At this moment a four-armed being (Purusha) issued forth from the body of Kṛishṇa, shining like hundred moons, holding conch, Cakra, club and a lotus, being marked with the Shrī-vatsa.
62-63a. Having ascended a beautiful chariot he went to the ocean of milk. The daughter of the ocean spontanously became personified. The beautiful Lakshmī in bodily form was borne by the mind of Shrī Kṛishṇa.
Mittwoch, 29. August 2012
Beginning of the 10 Maṇḍalas of Ṛgveda
1.001.01a अ॒ग्निमी॑ळे पु॒रोहि॑तं य॒ज्ञस्य॑ दे॒वमृ॒त्विज॑म् ।
1.001.01c होता॑रं रत्न॒धात॑मम् ॥
1.001.01a a̱gnim ī̍ḻe pu̱rohi̍taṁ ya̱jñasya̍ de̱vam ṛ̱tvija̍m |
1.001.01c hotā̍raṁ ratna̱dhāta̍mam ||
1.001.02a अ॒ग्निः पूर्वे॑भि॒रृषि॑भि॒रीड्यो॒ नूत॑नैरु॒त ।
1.001.02c स दे॒वाँ एह व॑क्षति ॥
1.001.02a a̱gniḥ pūrve̍bhi̱r ṛṣi̍bhi̱r īḍyo̱ nūta̍nair u̱ta |
1.001.02c sa de̱vām̐ eha va̍kṣati ||
2.001.01a त्वम॑ग्ने॒ द्युभि॒स्त्वमा॑शुशु॒क्षणि॒स्त्वम॒द्भ्यस्त्वमश्म॑न॒स्परि॑ ।
2.001.01c त्वं वने॑भ्य॒स्त्वमोष॑धीभ्य॒स्त्वं नृ॒णां नृ॑पते जायसे॒ शुचि॑ः ॥
2.001.01a tvam a̍gne̱ dyubhi̱s tvam ā̍śuśu̱kṣaṇi̱s tvam a̱dbhyas tvam aśma̍na̱s pari̍ |
2.001.01c tvaṁ vane̍bhya̱s tvam oṣa̍dhībhya̱s tvaṁ nṛ̱ṇāṁ nṛ̍pate jāyase̱ śuci̍ḥ ||
3.001.01a सोम॑स्य मा त॒वसं॒ वक्ष्य॑ग्ने॒ वह्निं॑ चकर्थ वि॒दथे॒ यज॑ध्यै ।
3.001.01c दे॒वाँ अच्छा॒ दीद्य॑द्यु॒ञ्जे अद्रिं॑ शमा॒ये अ॑ग्ने त॒न्वं॑ जुषस्व ॥
3.001.01a soma̍sya mā ta̱vasa̱ṁ vakṣy a̍gne̱ vahni̍ṁ cakartha vi̱dathe̱ yaja̍dhyai |
3.001.01c de̱vām̐ acchā̱ dīdya̍d yu̱ñje adri̍ṁ śamā̱ye a̍gne ta̱nva̍ṁ juṣasva ||
4.001.01a त्वां ह्य॑ग्ने॒ सद॒मित्स॑म॒न्यवो॑ दे॒वासो॑ दे॒वम॑र॒तिं न्ये॑रि॒र इति॒ क्रत्वा॑ न्येरि॒रे ।
4.001.01c अम॑र्त्यं यजत॒ मर्त्ये॒ष्वा दे॒वमादे॑वं जनत॒ प्रचे॑तसं॒ विश्व॒मादे॑वं जनत॒ प्रचे॑तसम् ॥
4.001.01a tvāṁ hy a̍gne̱ sada̱m it sa̍ma̱nyavo̍ de̱vāso̍ de̱vam a̍ra̱tiṁ nye̍ri̱ra iti̱ kratvā̍ nyeri̱re |
4.001.01c ama̍rtyaṁ yajata̱ martye̱ṣv ā de̱vam āde̍vaṁ janata̱ prace̍tasa̱ṁ viśva̱m āde̍vaṁ janata̱ prace̍tasam ||
5.001.01a अबो॑ध्य॒ग्निः स॒मिधा॒ जना॑नां॒ प्रति॑ धे॒नुमि॑वाय॒तीमु॒षास॑म् ।
5.001.01c य॒ह्वा इ॑व॒ प्र व॒यामु॒ज्जिहा॑ना॒ः प्र भा॒नव॑ः सिस्रते॒ नाक॒मच्छ॑ ॥
5.001.01a abo̍dhy a̱gniḥ sa̱midhā̱ janā̍nā̱m prati̍ dhe̱num i̍vāya̱tīm u̱ṣāsa̍m |
5.001.01c ya̱hvā i̍va̱ pra va̱yām u̱jjihā̍nā̱ḥ pra bhā̱nava̍ḥ sisrate̱ nāka̱m accha̍ ||
6.001.01a त्वं ह्य॑ग्ने प्रथ॒मो म॒नोता॒स्या धि॒यो अभ॑वो दस्म॒ होता॑ ।
6.001.01c त्वं सीं॑ वृषन्नकृणोर्दु॒ष्टरी॑तु॒ सहो॒ विश्व॑स्मै॒ सह॑से॒ सह॑ध्यै ॥
6.001.01a tvaṁ hy a̍gne pratha̱mo ma̱notā̱syā dhi̱yo abha̍vo dasma̱ hotā̍ |
6.001.01c tvaṁ sī̍ṁ vṛṣann akṛṇor du̱ṣṭarī̍tu̱ saho̱ viśva̍smai̱ saha̍se̱ saha̍dhyai ||
7.001.01a अ॒ग्निं नरो॒ दीधि॑तिभिर॒रण्यो॒र्हस्त॑च्युती जनयन्त प्रश॒स्तम् ।
7.001.01c दू॒रे॒दृशं॑ गृ॒हप॑तिमथ॒र्युम् ॥
7.001.01a a̱gniṁ naro̱ dīdhi̍tibhir a̱raṇyo̱r hasta̍cyutī janayanta praśa̱stam |
7.001.01c dū̱re̱dṛśa̍ṁ gṛ̱hapa̍tim atha̱ryum ||
7.001.02a तम॒ग्निमस्ते॒ वस॑वो॒ न्यृ॑ण्वन्सुप्रति॒चक्ष॒मव॑से॒ कुत॑श्चित् ।
7.001.02c द॒क्षाय्यो॒ यो दम॒ आस॒ नित्य॑ः ॥
7.001.02a tam a̱gnim aste̱ vasa̍vo̱ ny ṛ̍ṇvan suprati̱cakṣa̱m ava̍se̱ kuta̍ś cit |
7.001.02c da̱kṣāyyo̱ yo dama̱ āsa̱ nitya̍ḥ ||
8.001.01a मा चि॑द॒न्यद्वि शं॑सत॒ सखा॑यो॒ मा रि॑षण्यत ।
8.001.01c इन्द्र॒मित्स्तो॑ता॒ वृष॑णं॒ सचा॑ सु॒ते मुहु॑रु॒क्था च॑ शंसत ॥
8.001.01a mā ci̍d a̱nyad vi śa̍ṁsata̱ sakhā̍yo̱ mā ri̍ṣaṇyata |
8.001.01c indra̱m it sto̍tā̱ vṛṣa̍ṇa̱ṁ sacā̍ su̱te muhu̍r u̱kthā ca̍ śaṁsata ||
9.001.01a स्वादि॑ष्ठया॒ मदि॑ष्ठया॒ पव॑स्व सोम॒ धार॑या ।
9.001.01c इन्द्रा॑य॒ पात॑वे सु॒तः ॥
9.001.01a svādi̍ṣṭhayā̱ madi̍ṣṭhayā̱ pava̍sva soma̱ dhāra̍yā |
9.001.01c indrā̍ya̱ pāta̍ve su̱taḥ ||
9.001.02a र॒क्षो॒हा वि॒श्वच॑र्षणिर॒भि योनि॒मयो॑हतम् ।
9.001.02c द्रुणा॑ स॒धस्थ॒मास॑दत् ॥
9.001.02a ra̱kṣo̱hā vi̱śvaca̍rṣaṇir a̱bhi yoni̱m ayo̍hatam |
9.001.02c druṇā̍ sa̱dhastha̱m āsa̍dat ||
10.001.01a अग्रे॑ बृ॒हन्नु॒षसा॑मू॒र्ध्वो अ॑स्थान्निर्जग॒न्वान्तम॑सो॒ ज्योति॒षागा॑त् ।
10.001.01c अ॒ग्निर्भा॒नुना॒ रुश॑ता॒ स्वङ्ग॒ आ जा॒तो विश्वा॒ सद्मा॑न्यप्राः ॥
10.001.01a agre̍ bṛ̱hann u̱ṣasā̍m ū̱rdhvo a̍sthān nirjaga̱nvān tama̍so̱ jyoti̱ṣāgā̍t |
10.001.01c a̱gnir bhā̱nunā̱ ruśa̍tā̱ svaṅga̱ ā jā̱to viśvā̱ sadmā̍ny aprāḥ ||
1.001.01c होता॑रं रत्न॒धात॑मम् ॥
1.001.01a a̱gnim ī̍ḻe pu̱rohi̍taṁ ya̱jñasya̍ de̱vam ṛ̱tvija̍m |
1.001.01c hotā̍raṁ ratna̱dhāta̍mam ||
1.001.02a अ॒ग्निः पूर्वे॑भि॒रृषि॑भि॒रीड्यो॒ नूत॑नैरु॒त ।
1.001.02c स दे॒वाँ एह व॑क्षति ॥
1.001.02a a̱gniḥ pūrve̍bhi̱r ṛṣi̍bhi̱r īḍyo̱ nūta̍nair u̱ta |
1.001.02c sa de̱vām̐ eha va̍kṣati ||
2.001.01a त्वम॑ग्ने॒ द्युभि॒स्त्वमा॑शुशु॒क्षणि॒स्त्वम॒द्भ्यस्त्वमश्म॑न॒स्परि॑ ।
2.001.01c त्वं वने॑भ्य॒स्त्वमोष॑धीभ्य॒स्त्वं नृ॒णां नृ॑पते जायसे॒ शुचि॑ः ॥
2.001.01a tvam a̍gne̱ dyubhi̱s tvam ā̍śuśu̱kṣaṇi̱s tvam a̱dbhyas tvam aśma̍na̱s pari̍ |
2.001.01c tvaṁ vane̍bhya̱s tvam oṣa̍dhībhya̱s tvaṁ nṛ̱ṇāṁ nṛ̍pate jāyase̱ śuci̍ḥ ||
3.001.01a सोम॑स्य मा त॒वसं॒ वक्ष्य॑ग्ने॒ वह्निं॑ चकर्थ वि॒दथे॒ यज॑ध्यै ।
3.001.01c दे॒वाँ अच्छा॒ दीद्य॑द्यु॒ञ्जे अद्रिं॑ शमा॒ये अ॑ग्ने त॒न्वं॑ जुषस्व ॥
3.001.01a soma̍sya mā ta̱vasa̱ṁ vakṣy a̍gne̱ vahni̍ṁ cakartha vi̱dathe̱ yaja̍dhyai |
3.001.01c de̱vām̐ acchā̱ dīdya̍d yu̱ñje adri̍ṁ śamā̱ye a̍gne ta̱nva̍ṁ juṣasva ||
4.001.01a त्वां ह्य॑ग्ने॒ सद॒मित्स॑म॒न्यवो॑ दे॒वासो॑ दे॒वम॑र॒तिं न्ये॑रि॒र इति॒ क्रत्वा॑ न्येरि॒रे ।
4.001.01c अम॑र्त्यं यजत॒ मर्त्ये॒ष्वा दे॒वमादे॑वं जनत॒ प्रचे॑तसं॒ विश्व॒मादे॑वं जनत॒ प्रचे॑तसम् ॥
4.001.01a tvāṁ hy a̍gne̱ sada̱m it sa̍ma̱nyavo̍ de̱vāso̍ de̱vam a̍ra̱tiṁ nye̍ri̱ra iti̱ kratvā̍ nyeri̱re |
4.001.01c ama̍rtyaṁ yajata̱ martye̱ṣv ā de̱vam āde̍vaṁ janata̱ prace̍tasa̱ṁ viśva̱m āde̍vaṁ janata̱ prace̍tasam ||
5.001.01a अबो॑ध्य॒ग्निः स॒मिधा॒ जना॑नां॒ प्रति॑ धे॒नुमि॑वाय॒तीमु॒षास॑म् ।
5.001.01c य॒ह्वा इ॑व॒ प्र व॒यामु॒ज्जिहा॑ना॒ः प्र भा॒नव॑ः सिस्रते॒ नाक॒मच्छ॑ ॥
5.001.01a abo̍dhy a̱gniḥ sa̱midhā̱ janā̍nā̱m prati̍ dhe̱num i̍vāya̱tīm u̱ṣāsa̍m |
5.001.01c ya̱hvā i̍va̱ pra va̱yām u̱jjihā̍nā̱ḥ pra bhā̱nava̍ḥ sisrate̱ nāka̱m accha̍ ||
6.001.01a त्वं ह्य॑ग्ने प्रथ॒मो म॒नोता॒स्या धि॒यो अभ॑वो दस्म॒ होता॑ ।
6.001.01c त्वं सीं॑ वृषन्नकृणोर्दु॒ष्टरी॑तु॒ सहो॒ विश्व॑स्मै॒ सह॑से॒ सह॑ध्यै ॥
6.001.01a tvaṁ hy a̍gne pratha̱mo ma̱notā̱syā dhi̱yo abha̍vo dasma̱ hotā̍ |
6.001.01c tvaṁ sī̍ṁ vṛṣann akṛṇor du̱ṣṭarī̍tu̱ saho̱ viśva̍smai̱ saha̍se̱ saha̍dhyai ||
7.001.01a अ॒ग्निं नरो॒ दीधि॑तिभिर॒रण्यो॒र्हस्त॑च्युती जनयन्त प्रश॒स्तम् ।
7.001.01c दू॒रे॒दृशं॑ गृ॒हप॑तिमथ॒र्युम् ॥
7.001.01a a̱gniṁ naro̱ dīdhi̍tibhir a̱raṇyo̱r hasta̍cyutī janayanta praśa̱stam |
7.001.01c dū̱re̱dṛśa̍ṁ gṛ̱hapa̍tim atha̱ryum ||
7.001.02a तम॒ग्निमस्ते॒ वस॑वो॒ न्यृ॑ण्वन्सुप्रति॒चक्ष॒मव॑से॒ कुत॑श्चित् ।
7.001.02c द॒क्षाय्यो॒ यो दम॒ आस॒ नित्य॑ः ॥
7.001.02a tam a̱gnim aste̱ vasa̍vo̱ ny ṛ̍ṇvan suprati̱cakṣa̱m ava̍se̱ kuta̍ś cit |
7.001.02c da̱kṣāyyo̱ yo dama̱ āsa̱ nitya̍ḥ ||
8.001.01a मा चि॑द॒न्यद्वि शं॑सत॒ सखा॑यो॒ मा रि॑षण्यत ।
8.001.01c इन्द्र॒मित्स्तो॑ता॒ वृष॑णं॒ सचा॑ सु॒ते मुहु॑रु॒क्था च॑ शंसत ॥
8.001.01a mā ci̍d a̱nyad vi śa̍ṁsata̱ sakhā̍yo̱ mā ri̍ṣaṇyata |
8.001.01c indra̱m it sto̍tā̱ vṛṣa̍ṇa̱ṁ sacā̍ su̱te muhu̍r u̱kthā ca̍ śaṁsata ||
9.001.01a स्वादि॑ष्ठया॒ मदि॑ष्ठया॒ पव॑स्व सोम॒ धार॑या ।
9.001.01c इन्द्रा॑य॒ पात॑वे सु॒तः ॥
9.001.01a svādi̍ṣṭhayā̱ madi̍ṣṭhayā̱ pava̍sva soma̱ dhāra̍yā |
9.001.01c indrā̍ya̱ pāta̍ve su̱taḥ ||
9.001.02a र॒क्षो॒हा वि॒श्वच॑र्षणिर॒भि योनि॒मयो॑हतम् ।
9.001.02c द्रुणा॑ स॒धस्थ॒मास॑दत् ॥
9.001.02a ra̱kṣo̱hā vi̱śvaca̍rṣaṇir a̱bhi yoni̱m ayo̍hatam |
9.001.02c druṇā̍ sa̱dhastha̱m āsa̍dat ||
10.001.01a अग्रे॑ बृ॒हन्नु॒षसा॑मू॒र्ध्वो अ॑स्थान्निर्जग॒न्वान्तम॑सो॒ ज्योति॒षागा॑त् ।
10.001.01c अ॒ग्निर्भा॒नुना॒ रुश॑ता॒ स्वङ्ग॒ आ जा॒तो विश्वा॒ सद्मा॑न्यप्राः ॥
10.001.01a agre̍ bṛ̱hann u̱ṣasā̍m ū̱rdhvo a̍sthān nirjaga̱nvān tama̍so̱ jyoti̱ṣāgā̍t |
10.001.01c a̱gnir bhā̱nunā̱ ruśa̍tā̱ svaṅga̱ ā jā̱to viśvā̱ sadmā̍ny aprāḥ ||
Samstag, 18. August 2012
August 26, 2024:
Kalpa-samvatsara: 1 972 949 125
Srishti-prārambha-samvatsara: 1 955 885 125
Srishti-prārambha-samvatsara: 1 955 885 125
Yudhishthira-samvatsara: 5 161
Kaliyuga-samvatsara: 5 125
Shankara-samvatsara: 2 532
Vikrama-samvatsara: 2 081
Shālivāhana-shaka-samvatsara: 1 946
Shālivāhana-shaka-samvatsara: 1 946
Maharishi-samvatsara: 67
Prabhavādi-samvatsara: Pingala
Prabhavādi-samvatsara: Pingala
1. Samvatsara (Sanskrit, संवत्सर, saṁvatsara) means "year". Another word often used is Samvat. All numbers above refer to expired years. The first year in these era's or calendar's has the number 0, the second year the number 1 etc. in the same way as our age is counted.
2. Calculation of the expired years in this Kalpa (Abbreviation: Kaliyuga (KY))
KY = 432 000 years. Mahāyuga = (4 + 3 + 2 + 1) KY = 10 KY = 4 320 000 years.
Kalpa-samvatsara = [4 + 6 (710 + 4) + 270 + (4 + 3 + 2)] KY + Kaliyuga-samvatsara = 1 972 949 120
Year 0 begins on Chaitra Shukla 1.
Year 0 begins on Chaitra Shukla 1.
3. Srishti-prārambha (Sanskrit, सृष्टि-प्रारम्भ, sṛṣṭi-prārambha) means "beginning of creation". According to the Puranas creation begins with the Kalpa, the day of Brahmā. Surya Siddhanta 1.24 says that "at the beginning of the Kalpa 47 400 divine years passed while the All-wise was employed in creating the animate and inanimate creation, plants, stars, gods, demons and the rest." The true beginning of the creation is 47 400 x 360 years later than the beginning of the Kalpa. Srishti-prārambha-samvatsara = Kalpa-samvatsara - 17 064 000 years. Year 0 begins on Chaitra Shukla 1.
10. There is a name for each one of the 60 years of Jupiter’s cycle. In North India the cycle starts with Prabhava. Pingala is the 51th year in this cycle. In actual practice the year begins on Chaitra Shukla 1.
4. Yudhishthira-samvatsara = 3138 + A.D. year. Year 0 begins 3139 B.C. (Ashvina Shukla 10)
5. Kaliyuga-samvatsara = 3101 + A.D. year. Year 0 begins 3102 B.C. (Chaitra Shukla 1)
6. Shankara-samvatsara = 508 + A.D. year. Year 0 begins 509 B.C. (Vaishākha Shukla 5)
7. Vikrama-samvatsara = 57 + A.D. year. Year 0 begins 58 B.C. (Chaitra Shukla 1 in North India)
8. Shālivāhana-shaka-samvatsara = A.D. year - 78. Year 0 begins 78 A.D. (Chaitra Shukla 1)
9. Maharishi-samvatsara = A.D. year - 1957. Year 0 begins on 12 Jan 1957 and Year 50 on 12 Jan 2007
5. Kaliyuga-samvatsara = 3101 + A.D. year. Year 0 begins 3102 B.C. (Chaitra Shukla 1)
6. Shankara-samvatsara = 508 + A.D. year. Year 0 begins 509 B.C. (Vaishākha Shukla 5)
7. Vikrama-samvatsara = 57 + A.D. year. Year 0 begins 58 B.C. (Chaitra Shukla 1 in North India)
8. Shālivāhana-shaka-samvatsara = A.D. year - 78. Year 0 begins 78 A.D. (Chaitra Shukla 1)
9. Maharishi-samvatsara = A.D. year - 1957. Year 0 begins on 12 Jan 1957 and Year 50 on 12 Jan 2007
Freitag, 17. August 2012
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Sonntag, 3. Juni 2012
Pūrṇam adaḥ pūrṇam idam
पूर्ण॒मदः॒ पूर्ण॒मिदं॒ पूर्णा॒त्पूर्णमु॒दच्यते
पूर्ण॒स्य पूर्ण॒मादा॒य पूर्ण॒मेवा॒वशिष्यते
pūrṇa̱m ada̱ḥ pūrṇa̱m ida̱ṁ pūrṇā̱t pūrṇam u̱dacyate
pūrṇa̱sya pūrṇa̱m ādā̱ya pūrṇa̱m evā̱vaśiṣyate
Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaṇiṣad 5.1.1
पूर्ण॒स्य पूर्ण॒मादा॒य पूर्ण॒मेवा॒वशिष्यते
pūrṇa̱m ada̱ḥ pūrṇa̱m ida̱ṁ pūrṇā̱t pūrṇam u̱dacyate
pūrṇa̱sya pūrṇa̱m ādā̱ya pūrṇa̱m evā̱vaśiṣyate
Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaṇiṣad 5.1.1
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